Challenger Services Blog

What does Challenger offer to maintain healthy working environments?

Written by Caroline Maxwell | 03/04/2020 6:19:53 AM

Challenger is here to help and we are confident we can full-fill your needs. Whether you are just looking for a simple 2 hour weekly clean for your office or if you are looking for a more extensive sanitisation service with a team of staff, we can take care of it for you, so you can focus on your business practices. 

Are we compliant with all Work Health and Safety Laws adjusted for COVID-19?

According to Work Safety Australia guidelines, workplaces that are still open should already have in place regular, scheduled cleaning and sanitation practices, ensuring all touch points are sanitised. Frequently touched areas and surfaces can include Eftpos equipment, elevator buttons, handrails, tables, counter tops, door knobs and surrounding areas, fridge handles and taps.

Our staff have been trained in safe procedures for cleaning in a pandemic environment to eliminate virus infection, as according to the environmental cleaning and disinfection principles for COVID-19 issued by the Australian Department of Health. 

Challenger is aware that the advice surrounding the Coronavirus (COVID-19) is forever evolving. Due to this we are adapting the way we work to ensure we are doing all we can to keep our cleaning teams and customers safe. 

Challenger is the trusted name across Australia for commercial outsourcing solutions, including commercial cleaning, facilities management, food production and housekeeping, executed with precision and excellence, every time. That is why we are the strategic partner of choice for major institutions and organisations for cleaning solutions when it comes to the COVID-19 pandemic.

What do we offer? 

Total Sanitisation and 7 day barrier – Challenger offers a specialist service with a unique product that not only kills all viruses and bacteria on touchpoint surfaces, it will also prevent any viruses or bacteria from being able to land on or survive on these surfaces for up to 7 days, or 200 touches. While normal cleans are effective at removing most contaminants (including COVID-19) temporarily, this sanitation service will go further and effectively kill all germs as well as removing them from your working environment for a prolonged period.


We have mobilised specialist teams in Victoria, New South Wales and Queensland, where hundreds of staff have been trained in these infection control procedures and have been advised to mobilise Coronavirus protective measures to hundreds of our clients' workplaces already.

For anyone interested in learning more about what we offer to maintain a healthy working environment, please reach out to us.